She Will Test You Until She Trusts You
The Great She of the Feminine that is alive and wild in your partner wants to feel your incorruptible consciousness - that presence in you that is deep and structured, passionate and dark, humorous and sturdy - and she will test you until she trusts you.
The Safety of Sadness
For many men I know and work with, myself included, the expression or feeling of sadness was a way of getting the love they wanted as children. Unfortunately, many of us continue turning to it long after it served its purpose.
Loving What Is In Relationship
The masculine is most at home in emptiness, stillness, nothingness - and emotions are anything but that! - which is why most men try to fix the emotional upset of their partners.
An Art of Living: ExpressingYour Masculine & Feminine
Without directive motion, integral structures, and conscious presence, our feminine flow is liable to get stuck, damned, and muddied.