Relational Intimacy Coaching


A heartfelt container for couples to create more connection, polarity, and play in their relationships.

Our relationships can be our biggest challenge.

They can also be our greatest teachers.


Our partners show us all the places that we are not totally open, totally free, totally loving.


It’s easy to think that if things aren’t 100% easy 100% of the time, maybe it’s just not meant to be. 

Here’s a secret though: there is no “meant to be”.

All there is our commitment, trust, and…
practice, practice, practice.

None of us were given the playbook on how to handle our intimate relationships with skill or grace… and if we are at all oriented towards growth, sooner or later, we come to that realization: figuring it out on our own is not an option. 

That’s where couples coaching comes in.

Together, we create a safe and sacred place where the healing work that is so necessary, yet so hard to do on our own, can take place so that the relationship can become deeper, juicier, more fulfilling, more connected, and more graceful. 

If you’re ready to…



Understand and connect with each other on deeper, more intimate levels.



Make art of your masculine and feminine energy and bring more love and polarity to your relationship.



Create healing, intimate experiences that wash away disconnecting wounds.



Develop communication practices that establish safety and trust.



Take your sexual expression to the next level of love.



Have a strong support system to work through the challenges that inevitably arise.


Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’



How it works.

My 1-1 work is reserved for a small number of highly dedicated individuals and couples that are ready to invest in their personal and spiritual growth.


  • Growth happens in a container that is consistent - we commit to meeting regularly over a 4-6 month period.

  • Each session is 75 minutes in length and occurs over Zoom.

  • You have access to me through email, text, voice text, phone.

  • Between sessions, you’ll have clear and actionable focus items and homework practices.



The Results

What you get from this will be a direct result of what you put in. But if you commit, it will always be worth it.



Here’s what you can expect with your partner.

  • Intimacy. Trust. Passion. Freedom. Vulnerability. Fulfillment.

  • Feeling your partner on a level you didn’t know was possible.

  • An openness in yourself to deeper and greater love.

  • A deep sense of what it is to both trust and surrender.

  • Confidence in your capacity to both give and receive.

  • Skillfulness to animate the right energy to liberate more love in your partnership.



Are you ready to give your deepest heart?


About My Mission

I work with couples in relationships who are committed to growing together emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. Using heartfelt, grounded practices and exercises, we develop deeper understanding and trust and establish firm foundations for the relationship to continue to grow. If you’re ready to go deeper in your partnership, click the button below to fill out an application.